SenTAG Safer Swimming System
Acting as a second layer of pool security behind existing lifeguards and pool operators the SenTAG security wristband continuously monitors depth and time for every swimmer and alerts if preset thresholds are exceeded.
Please have a look at the animated movie below to see why SenTAG pool safety system significantly could increase the level of security in your pool area!
SenTAG Wristband Alarm:
The SENTAG Wristband monitors time and pressure for each user.
Wristbands are set to a depth and time at which the alarm is raised.
If the user should spend too much time under the pre-set depth an alarm is raised by signal from wristband to the SENTAG control unit.
The lifeguard receives an alarm that indicates which pool area that needs attention.
In this way the SENTAG wristband emulates the supervision of a lifeguard who should be naturally concerned if a swimmer stays too long beneath the surface.
The Sentag Control Unit:
The Control Unit manages the overall SENTAG system with a very easy user interface. At the control unit all settings are made, data is collected, stored, and analysed.
It keeps control of all system components such as sensors, electronics, output/input units etc.
It listens to all information from the pool and makes decisions on when an alarm should be raised.
When an alarm is confirmed by the control unit, it alerts by light, sound and displays information. After entering the user code operators can easily mute or acknowledge the alarm at any control unit in the facility
The Sentag Sensors:
The sensors are the ears of the SENTAG system.
It continuously listens for the underwater acoustics and when a wristband in alert is identified, it transmits the information to the system control unit.
The SENTAG sensors can either be retrofitted into an existing facility or fitted into a new built, and installation does not affect the daily operation.